7 Effective Ways To Optimize Your Website For Lead Generation
UI UX Design / 11-December-2017 / minute read

7 Effective Ways To Optimize Your Website For Lead Generation

One of the great marketing strategies is to convert the lead into valuable customers. These valuable customers will then bring in new customers.


A great product or service may be out there in the market, but what if it has not been marketed well. No matter how great is its utility, if people are not aware of it, then it will slowly fade out. One of the great marketing strategies is to convert the leads into valuable customers. These valuable customers will then bring in new customers. The degree will depend on the respective quality and utility of the product and services. Lead will be a person who will show interest in the product or service offered by a particular company. The process of converting strangers into leads is what we refer to as lead generation. For a layman, lead generation might appear to be an insignificant marketing strategy, but actually, it is a difference maker.

Let us explore various ways by which website designs can be optimized for Lead generation

1. Video Based Content

With the growing trend of video communication, people wish to have every possible information at their disposal with least possible effort and in minimum time. Anything which is hard for a layman to comprehend and takes too long to come at him is automatically rejected. Therefore, video based descriptions about the product and services are in demand. They will make a great differentiator in the conversion of the leads into prospective customers.


The website design should incorporate the small effective video to hook the customers to their page. This will develop interest among them. They will, then willingly provide their information. Video also allows people to feel more confident about making a purchase decision. We are moving in times where video based communication will be more preferred than text based communication.

2. Do Not Overburden The Web Page

It is often seen that to tell everything, many website designs consist of more than required information. All the white spaces are filled in great capacity, which makes the customer confused and cynical about the product and service. The design of the website should be simple and elegant, with the most relevant information displayed clearly. The information to be presented must be well-researched, in line with the needs of the probable customer.


A well-researched information about the requirements of the customer will allow the website designers to display information which is genuinely relevant. The human brain does not like to comprehend a large amount of data at one go. Less to moderate data is comfortable to grasp, and thus finds acceptance.

3. Building Trust Factor

Nothing beats the idea of winning the trust of the customer. Once the customer is fully satisfied with the product’s quality and features, he will buy that particular product. Website designs elegantly displaying the seals of the organizations, combined with guaranteed delivery of the mentioned product or service will surely make a huge difference. The extent of the promise must be such that it must compel the customer to avail the service.


Also, the success rate of such display of promise will largely depend on the intensity of the delivery of it. If there is a good synergy between display and delivery of product or service, then nothing can stop the customer base to rise. Word of mouth publicity will attract more customers.

4. Testimonials Display

One of the effective ways to boost the conversion rate of the leads is to embed easy to read testimonials of the people who have used your service. The genuine nature of the testimonials can further be enhanced by displaying the photograph of the person who gave the valuable feedback. Website designs must use this feature keeping in mind the bandwidth of the web page. Simple, elegant and readable design works best.


There is a general tendency in people to test the authenticity of the product and service they view on the internet. Therefore, capturing on that insecurity coupled with genuine desire to sell the good product, will boost the lead conversion. Testimonials will provide feedback analysis to the people as they seek evidence of the products offered by the website. This is the reason why e –commerce websites give much importance to the review and ratings of each product.

5. Seeking Less Information

If your landing page seeks a good amount of information and it is manually cumbersome to enter details, then no matter how great your product or service may be, you are less likely to be able to convert your leads. One of the ways to tackle this is to ask information in bits and pieces and have forms on every page. This will have following benefits:

  • Lead will not feel the pressure to enter all the information in one go.
  • He or she will be able to navigate through all the features of the website. This is because the lead will be targeted to a new page to fill out the information.
  •  More chances of lead generation.
  • This unique approach can surely help the customer to understand the organization better.

6. Use of Active Words


Positive words appeal directly to the readers. When users see the headlines which guarantee something, they tend to get attracted towards it. Customer always spends their time and money on things which give them a sure shot promise. The passive words sometimes create doubt in the mind of the customer. He/She then starts exploring other organizations in the same segment, who are more precise and confident in their delivery. Therefore, it is always advisable to use more action oriented words. The website designs must incorporate the need to use active words.

7. Be Clear About The Goals

Different organizations will have different parameters to define the definition of lead for them. Therefore, before handing out the blueprint of web design to the vendor, make sure what you are actually seeking. Various examples of Lead are:

  •  Someone filling a form
  • Signing up the newsletter
  • Providing email address and location.
  • Requiring callback
  • Clicking on Call to Action Button

So, lead can be different for respective organizations. Therefore, one must be very clear as to what qualifies as a lead for them. Defining your goal helps to channelize your lead generation marketing strategy in right direction. It reduces the midway confusion.


Lead Generation is an important marketing tool to increase the valuable customer base of the organization. This becomes an increasingly effective way at the backend to gauge for the requirement of the customers and provide necessary details and services to them. Intelligent organizations use this marketing strategy effectively to showcase the impact their product and service can create in the marketplace and in the lives of people.

The important factor in lead generation is how the organization contact and respond to the lead, as their response will be the deciding factor for the conversion of the lead into a valuable customer. Therefore, we must invest a good amount of time in website design to attract more viewers and then generate potential leads from the website.

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