Fintech Industry
Fintech is the combination of avant-garde technology and the financial services. Think 360 offers broad UI and UX design solutions for banks, credit unions, online trading and financial service providers for web & mobile while keeping mindful of user needs and privacy requirements. Share your UX design goals with us.
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1 Million
Insurance Plans Sold

2.5 Million
Traders Trade EveryDay
Prestigious Financial Firms We Worked For

Why Fintech?
Change the way financial services work with your foray into the fintech world by clicking here!
- The digital payments sector in India is estimated to grow to USD 500 billion by 2020, up from roughly USD 50 billion last year, and representing around 15% of GDP in 2020. Mobile payment solutions, such as wallets, P2P transfer applications and mobile points of sale, are enjoying strong user adoption and heading towards one-stop-shop solutions in the future.
- Alternative lending is the second most funded and one of the fastest growing segments in the Indian FinTech space. Around 37% of GDP is contributed to by MSMEs but the supply of credit lines is disproportionate. It isn’t surprising then that there are 158 new startups in the space as of 2016. However, competition is stiff, with only 27% of founded companies obtaining funding, and 27% of those going on to raise Series A capital. As of October 2016, alternate lending in India received $199 million in funding across 33 deals, almost doubling 2015’s funding of $103 million across 21 deals 3. The major contributors to the growth of this sector include a large amount of unmet demand for loans from MSMEs, with a gap of roughly USD 200 billion in credit supply, and a significant under-banked and new-to bank population which lies at the heart of the Indian FinTech opportunity.

Our Process
Our Expertise In

Wallet Apps

Online Trading