Web Design And Web Development Trends In 2015
Web Technology / 20-April-2015 / minute read

Web Design And Web Development Trends In 2015

In this article we explored the web design and web development trends in 2015. these trends will enhance the user experience and communication.



In this article we explored the web trends of 2015 in concern of web design and web development, no matter its a website or a web application or a social community, these following trends will enhance the user experience and create better communication in between life and technology.

I categorized web trends 2015 in 3 parts:

A. Design
B. Technology
C. Marketing


A. Design

(Good ideas never go out of style)


1. SVG is hitting its prime.

Scalable Vector Graphics is popping up everywhere beautifully. First of all the file size is smaller than regular bitmapped graphics such as JPEG and GIF images and can be easily scaled to the size of the viewing window and can be adjusted in size and resolution according to the windows in which it is displayed. They can also be used as text labels and descriptions that can be searched by search engines and can easily be linked as a part of complex animations.

See Example

2. Evolution of Flat Material Design


There will be increased usability of flat design. Flat design is a simple, graphic style common in user interface UI (UI), software and Web design. The flat style contrasts a design approach that seeks to bring real-world effects to the items that are represented. Flat design also lends itself to responsive design techniques because it uses less textures/images and can be produced in the browser with newer design technologies. Flat design could confuse the users so the buttons and the contrast should be carefully used.

3. Emerging Trends in typography


Many major brands is using typography on their web sites which is a visual form of text represented in an attractive and creative way. The latest trend in web typography is to employ bigger fonts that grab the attention of the viewers. Applying big typographic elements helps visitors in paying attention to the main element of the design.

B. Technology

1. Increase in Parallax Scrolling

Parallax Scrolling will go mainstream. Parallax scrolling is a scrolling technique used computer graphics in which background images move more slowly than images in the foreground, creating the illusion of depth and immersion. There is no doubt about it that parallax sites look awesome. How amazing it looks when a stunner image takes up every inch of your computer screen.

See Example - WDC

2. 2015 Is A year of HTML5 & CSS3

HTML5 is the latest trend of HTML and is cross-platform. It is designed in such a way that we can work without additional plugins.  It is device independent and error handling is much easier. There is no policy restrictions and is cheaper to develop

CSS3 makes it possible to animate transitions from one CSS style configuration to another. It contains the "old CSS specification" (which has been split into smaller pieces). In addition, new modules are added. They're easy to use for simple animations; you can create them without even having to know JavaScript.

Check these cool examples of CSS3 magic - Example 1 | Example 2

3. Responsive Web Design


Pages based on RWD give great comfort. With a well-designed website, navigation is readable, page elements are intuitive and transparent content architecture. Depending on the width of the screen page will look a little different on the big screen will make full use of its capabilities, on average slightly reduce the column, and on the smaller side to convert one-column view. Turn navigation and the easy to hit with your finger, big links and images will scale to the most optimal width to change the size of fonts. More specifically show that the illustrations below.

Many experts believe that responsive design in a short time became one of the basic standards of modern, creating websites. RWD is not a perfect work, and finite, but still under discussion, there are new ways, different approaches to the subject, hybrids with other solutions, but definitely worth a look at this closely. Especially that site owners can see clearly a growing percentage of their traffic from mobile devices. Increasingly, our customers are aware of the need to adjust the page for that purpose, therefore, looking perspective on this phenomenon, soon you may find that the use of the WFD (Web for desktop) will no longer be a necessity.

Must Read this helpful Article Responsive Web Design

C. Marketing

1. Effective Content writing


Before launching any website make sure that the content of the website is unique, fresh as well as useful. Content is something that shows how creative and strong your design is.  As per the Google Hummingbird algorithm, meaningful/useful content is a must. Let me explain to you how. Suppose you want to design a website as a Web Design Agency then you must select your keywords first and after that write content as per your keywords. With this concept, one effective keyword will give meaningful content. Roughly, if you take 10 keywords then you must have 10 pages each with effective keywords.

2. Get More Social


The social media market is one source with which you can generate more traffic and attention towards your website. Social media marketing programs usually emphasize content that creates interest of the user and they can share it on social accounts. This kind of strategy results in earned media rather than paid media as social media serves as a relatively inexpensive platform for organizations to implement marketing campaigns.

There is no doubt behind that social networking websites allow individuals to interact with one another and build relationships. So you can definitely use this media to generate traffic on your particular website and application. Following social media networks can be useful for your business:

Facebook fan pages | LinkedIn | Google+ and boost up your twitter account

Conclusion - So in the end i would say that using these new trends you can give a new effect to your web application/platform and can also be on the top charts of this web world.

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