Kids App

W4W is a digital platform that combines weather forecast information and families' (digital) wardrobe to make accurate and timely clothing suggestions for parents and preschools.

Portfolio title

W4W is a digital platform that combines weather forecast information, preschool calendar activities and families' (digital) wardrobe to make accurate and timely clothing suggestions for parents and preschools.

Type of users -

1. Parents

2. Preschool Teachers

3. Preschool Admins


  1. User Research in Sweden
  2. User Experience Design
  3. UI Design
  4. Branding
  5. Prototyping


Parental Guidance, eCommerce, Sass application



Portfolio title

Our User Research Analysis

Preschool children are not properly dressed for outdoor activities in different weather conditions experiencing thermal discomfort and getting sick One sick child can spread illness to other children and teachers.

The result is thousands of sick days for teachers and parents, poor quality of preschool education and government, municipalities and preschools losing billions of SEK every year.

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Brand Identity Designs
logo construction

Font Family

Font family


Brand color
logo construction
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App UI’s

Parent App

This screen is the heart of the app. Here app provides clothing suggestions as per weather forecast. Layer based clothing suggestions help parents keep their children disease-free.

IOS app ui's
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Web app ui's

Teacher App

Not only the teacher is also getting the clothing suggestion as per weather forecast but also they are connected with preschool administration. Some of the key feature in parent app - 

  1. Clothing suggestions
  2. School Calendar
  3. Chat
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Work together
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Web app ui's

Pre School Dashboard

Simply sync google calendar & manage preschool as a Saas application from the W4W dashboard. Key features of dashboard we designed - 

  1. Chat with teachers or parents
  2. Manage the preschool calendar
  3. Send notifications
  4. Add events
  5. Manage users
  6. Much more
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Artist Community

Kompetes is a peer-driven online competition platform & community for Artists, Photographers, Film Makers, Musicians.

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We developed KTube app, where parent's create video playlist by searching videos on youtube.

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