5 Reasons Why Video Marketing Is Necessary
Digital Marketing / 18-February-2019 / minute read

5 Reasons Why Video Marketing Is Necessary

Video and marketing go hand in hand. From 1960’s conventional TV commercials to Vimeo, Snapchat, Facebook Live and Snapchat, there are several clear shreds of evidence how videos are becoming a staple of our daily lives. Because of the huge popularity of


Video and marketing go hand in hand. From 1960’s conventional TV commercials to Vimeo, Snapchat, Facebook Live and Snapchat, there are several clear shreds of evidence how videos are becoming a staple of our daily lives. Because of the huge popularity of videos, many businesses are switching towards them for their marketing. Video Marketing is a versatile, attractive and shareable medium to reach the audience.

It’s no more surprising that the use of video marketing is rising with each passing day. Video marketing may not be a new trend but it is the one that definitely needs to be discussed. Many digital marketers believe that using videos within their marketing campaign is a big commitment but it’s a commitment that derives big rewards. Using videos within your marketing strategy takes energy, work, and time; however, it’s a worthwhile attempt.

If you have planned a theme for your video to boost your business growth and revenue, you can consult businesses like Think 360 Studio to help you turn your ideas into reality.

Video marketing is the present as well as the future of the online marketing space that makes it absolutely important for every business to use videos to their fullest potential. There are a number of reasons why video marketing is necessary. In this post, we will read about what is video marketing and five reasons why you should unequivocally use videos in your marketing strategy.

What Is Video Marketing?

Video marketing refers to any sort of video that is used to market or promote a specific service or product. This can include the name of the brand, benefits, and vision. This kind of marketing is an addition to traditional marketing. It is undoubtedly a powerful tool for those who want to show their products and services, maximizing their potential as a business.

5 Reasons Why You Should Embrace Video Marketing For Your Brand


1. Improved SEO

Internet platforms like Google, Facebook, Instagram, and others love videos. When you upload videos on these platforms, viewers get more engage and spend more time on the websites. This built trust among visitors and search engine get to know that your website has quality content. Google loves videos. If you add engaging and informative videos on your site, it may show up on the first page of the search engine giant – Google.

According to statistics, if you embed a video on your site, you are 53% more likely to show up first on Google. Since Google owns YouTube, there has been a notable increase in how much a video affects your site ranking on search engine. If SEO keywords are considered as gold, then videos are not less than diamonds. They are extremely strong and if used wisely, they can change your perspective towards your business as well as your life.


If you want to add videos on your site, you need to optimize your brand videos on YouTube for SEO. The titles and descriptions of your videos should be attention-grabbing and enticing. You can add a backlink to your business website that can take your viewers directly to your site and they can explore your services, and products.

This crucial step can provide your potential audience a way to take the next step. You can watch interactive videos on the web to get more ideas on how to grab the attention of customers to your website.

2. Videos and Mobile Devices Go Hand in Hand


Nowadays, people are addicted to smartphones and tablets. In fact, a study by Deloitte released that American people collectively check their mobile devices more than 8 billion times per day. As more and more people check their smartphones to watch videos multiple times a day, it clearly shows that videos can pair up with mobile devices gracefully.

As per the data by Wyzowl, 90% of users view videos on their mobile devices. It means visitors are more likely to view your brand videos and ads on their smartphones. This rate signifies that both videos and smartphones go hand in hand.

YouTube reports that the rate of mobile video consumptions increases by 100% every year. Since the number of people with smartphone devices is growing and more and more users are willing to view online videos on their mobiles, the rate of your video audience is getting bigger and bigger.

Google also tells that people who view videos on smartphones are 1.4 times more likely to watch and share videos than desktop and TV viewers. The growth of mobile videos means businesses need to be sensitive to the personal experience customers have on their mobile devices. As a business owner, offer them a better choice in the video content (quality and knowledgeable content) they consume.

3. Videos Boost Conversions and Sales

This is one of the greatest reasons for using videos on your content marketing strategy. Videos have the power to convert your visitors into permanent customers. As per a report by Vidyard, 70% of businesses claim that videos perform better than any other content form for producing conversions and sales.


So, it is clear that videos can help you make serious money. Embedding a product or service video on your landing page can enhance your conversion rate by 80%. The Treepodia team has also made it clear that a video can work well regardless of the class or category in which you deploy it.

Videos can also lead directly to sales. It has proven that 74% of people who viewed explainer videos about a product or service subsequently purchased it. So as per a business perspective, it is better to start crafting engaging product/service videos now.

If you want to boost your conversions and sales, it’s imperative to use video marketing. Remember that vision is the most dominant sense as the most data transmitted to the brain is visual. If an image is helping you boost your brand engagement massively then imagine the power of moving pictures. All you need is to make an impressive brand video with the right video making tool to get started with the process.

4. Videos Show Great ROI

This is another important reason for using videos in your marketing strategy. Even 83% of brands claim that videos deliver good ROI (Return On Investment).

There was a time when video production was an expensive and time-consuming affair but thanks to online video making tools. Today, there are many online tools available on the internet to select from. From different options available, Renderforest is an online tool that can help you craft an impressive brand video within minutes.


In the video, your content is your voice. Regardless of what your video concept is, if the content is powerful, it will leave an impact on people. The research states that people don’t prefer to watch videos that don’t explain a particular service or product clearly. Poor design and low quality together don’t make that much impact as irrelevant content alone does.

So make sure that the content you are adding is relevant to the product and catchy enough to engage the target audience with your brand for the long-run. Make sure your video is exceptional in every context, if your video is stunning, it automatically provides great ROI.

5. Videos Build Trust

Trust is the base of your business growth and boosting your brand revenue. For businesses, building trust is a goal on its own. The whole concept of digital marketing is based on building trust and long-term relationships with prospective customers.

Being a business owner, stop focusing on just sales and let the audience come to your brand by offering useful and interesting information. When it comes to spreading your message among the audience, nothing can be more reliable than a video.

Video content is the best way to engage the audience and ignite their emotions. When you talk about elite people in the industry, YouTubers have become a strong social media figure for your brand promotion. You can make a deal with popular YouTube stars to promote your brand in the digital space successfully. If you’re serious about content advertising, you should be serious about videos too.

Promotional videos can also help in fostering trust. There are many people who are still skeptical about purchasing services or products online because of the fear of cheating and fraud. But, an effective video can present your product or service in a conversational form.

As per the data, 57% of people say that videos offer them more confidence to buy online. To build trust and encourage people to make a purchase, it is recommended to craft meaningful and attractive videos.


The reasons why video marketing is necessary are innumerable. These five reasons are enough to convince digital marketers that they should start using videos if they want to do really well. Video marketing is becoming more and more widespread as time goes by. Video adoption is growing partly across the globe because of technological advancements as well as it’s easy to spread nature.

Top Video Marketing Trends

  • Podcast Tapping

    In 2018, there were several brands, individual and media companies jumped into podcasting. In the upcoming years, podcast videos will be still in trend. A video of a podcast helps viewers know the guests and posts in a better way. It can offer insight and exposure to your company culture, letting your workers shine.

  • Videos will be used in Support and Personal ales

    This can be carried out in two ways. 1. The more scalable option is to make use of pre-recorded clips with support or salespeople. 2. To record short messages to make customers watch at their own pace.

  • Live Video Streams will Become an Essential Part of Video Content

    The trend of live video streaming has risen up lately. It enables to bring live events to the audience, interviews with influencers and hold a live Q & A sessions. The live video streaming service helps in building brand awareness and engaging prospects towards the brand.

  • Video in Email

    Videos and emails together make a perfect pair like ham and green eggs, salt and pepper, and more. People prefer to read emails they receive each day in their inboxes, but with a number of email pouring into their inboxes how can you set your business apart from your competitors. A video can help you distinguish yourself from others.Adding ”Video” word in your email subject leads to higher open rates and more clicks. Use of videos in your emails helps you add some personality to your marketing and sales emails.

  • Storytelling Will Become a Trendsetter

    People can read the list of instructions and facts in a post but when it is done in a video, people will lose interest. The best way to make an award-winning video is making an emotional connection to the viewer. If you develop an emotional connection in a storytelling way, your video will definitely persuade your viewers.

  • Majority of Customers Prefer Video Content to Read

    In the present era, the preference of customers is leading to video explosion in content marketing. Videos are used for lead generation and conversion. There are many potential consumers who do not approach salespersons for making their purchase decisions. This is where videos come into the picture and can influence sales decision.

  • Creating 1:1 Video

    1:1 Video is an instant way to check leads and customers and ensure that your message gets heard. Undoubtedly, watching a video is more engaging than reading a post, slideshow or an email.

  • Splitting the Screen

    Today, more and more teams prefer remote working. Even collaboration via video has become a norm. To share knowledge, screen shares and video chats are becoming a great way to give an inside look of your process. One of the great examples is the New York Times’ series on pop music production in 2018. In their video “The Middle” shows songwriting sessions and interviews conducted over FaceTime.


With the advancement in technology, creating marketing videos is no more a big challenge. Making videos for your brand needs creativity, innovation, and knowledge of human psychology. When you combine all these essential components together, you will generate something outside-the-box at minimal cost.

Creative and emotionally charged videos can be spread over the internet in a matter of days, getting billions of views. This is the whole concept of video marketing that only creativity survives. Bring your innovation, creativity, content-curation, and thoughts all together to build a robust video marketing strategy and get ready to take the plunge.

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