How To Ace Your Technical SEO In 2018
SEO / 06-December-2017 / minute read

How To Ace Your Technical SEO In 2018

Technical SEO helps in growing your sales but it also provides tremendous brand equity. its time to take a serious look at the technical side of SEO.


SEO is a powerful tool for startups looking into dominating their marketplace over the long term. 93 percent of the online experience start with a search engine. Ranking on Google search results not only helps in growing your sales but it also provides tremendous brand equity. It is as though Google is recommending your brand. It is a worthwhile pursuit for any startup to embark on.

Today, the most popular search engine, Google, has the most market share at 70 percent.
However, SEO remains a mystery for many business owners and marketers. They follow conventional wisdom and go on a content writing and link building frenzy, only to find out that their SEO efforts may be sabotaged by their website's technical foundation(or the lack of)

1. SEO Is Both An Art And A Science.

Yes, SEO is both an art and a science. Besides having the people's skills necessary to attract links and write compelling content, technical know-how is not to be overlooked. (Who says SEO is easy?) In the increasingly competitive landscape, SEO is no longer just about keyword stuffing and link submission.

That said, technical SEO is not rocket science either. In fact, it is about providing a great user experience to your audience. Enhancing site speed and security will all help in a better site experience, with better rankings as the by-product.
For example, a 1-second delay in page response can lead to a 7% reduction in conversions, and vice versa. That 7% could make or break the success of your start-up!

Technical SEO is definitely achievable for any startup, even those without deep pockets. There are many affordable and free tools such as those outlined in the infographic that can take care of the basics for you.

2. Technical SEO Comprises

In a nutshell, technical SEO comprises of the efforts taken by the webmaster in keeping the website in line with search engine requirements. It makes it beneficial for both you and your website’s users. It can include aspects such as site architecture, URL formatting, page loading speed, and the web host.

Your technical SEO journey doesn’t simply stop at the website building process. The digital landscape is always changing, and search engines constantly evolve their search algorithm. Therefore, you must be continuously updated even after your website’s launch. Most recently, Google is seen to frown upon the use of interstitials. Websites still sporting interstitials could risk getting penalized!

3. Technical Side of Your SEO Strategy

Failing to get your technical SEO right could thus potentially topple your website’s search performance quickly and bring about indexing issues. As a start-up, allowing potential customers to find you easily online is crucial to its future. If you have not, its time to take a serious look at the technical side of your SEO strategy. If necessary, have a web developer scrutinize the infographic and help you out. It's worth all your investment!

For more elaboration and recommendation of technical SEO best practices, visit to find out more


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