How To Hack Online Business Growth ? 7 Tips In INFOGRAPHICS.
Infographics / 07-October-2015 / minute read

How To Hack Online Business Growth ? 7 Tips In INFOGRAPHICS.

These infographics will help you to understand the secret behind an online business and Think360 as a digital marketing agency provide affordable solutions.


These Infographics will help you to hack the secret behind an online business and we (Think360) as a digital marketing agency provide affordable solutions to make it happen. In these infographics tips - You can write more content, better content, improve SEO, hire a best digital marketing agency, start an Instagram / Facebook or google promotion, boost social sharing, do a publicity stunt, use PPC advertising or facebook ad campaign, guest blogging, or get better at email marketing. There are lots of tips in these infographics you can do.

Tip #1 - How To Design Your Homepage?

Every user land on your website homepage, you have only 3-4 seconds to portray about your brand. The following infographic will help you to understand the elements of the homepage and make it optimize for business lead conversion.

elements of effective homepage think360


Tip #2 - How To Design A Perfect Contact Page?

After homepage user travel on your contact page but if you contact page is confusing and not easy to use, then user will leave it instantly and you will loose your business lead. If you think your company contact is not generating leads than I will suggest you for taking time to re-design your contact page should be a top priority.

perfect contact form


Tip #3 - How Typography Help In Business Lead Conversions?

We only have Words, images, colors/composition and TYPOGRAPHY is handful tools for communicating online. People read content and if you have used perfect typography in your website, its create brand trust and loyalty.

design is typography


Tip #4 - Responsive Website Always Help To Increase Business.

Responsive design means your website automatically fits any screen size you are using Ex. desktop, mobile or tablet. And the result is more money.

responsive web design


Tip #5 - Organic Search Engine Optimization Help You To Deliver Traffic.

If you have followed all above tips, you will see that the traffic, which coming from search engines is converting into business leads. This infographic will help you understand how SEO has changed and plan your SEO strategy accordingly. The new google 'Hummingbird' Algorithm is more focusing  on branding, building great content, and developing relationships.

seo changing the world


Tip #6 - How To Make Marketing Strategies?

If your site is designed and developed well with right content information, the business chances will increase in concern of customers. The following infographic is complete the complete circle of 360 where you can build and grow your business online.

grow your business online


Tip #7 - Which Things Should Not Say To Your Client?

Very old saying - First impressions is the last impression. You have the traffic, You have a customers - But during the first communication your customer doesn't hire your services. I know you are facing this problem casually, the following infographics will help you what to not say to your client on first call.

things never say to client

Conclusion -

These above infographics will help you to grow your business, at Think 360 Studio we make brands which easily connect with users and help to grow their business. If you are interested in our digital design, development or marketing services - Get a free quote.



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