Users Vs Usability Testing Debunked In These INFOGRAPHICS
Infographics / 02-September-2015 / minute read

Users Vs Usability Testing Debunked In These INFOGRAPHICS

Usability testing - All products are different & All experiences are unique. these Following infographics will help you to understand the user behavior


All products are different. All experiences are unique. Yes, when it comes to design and development, experiment is always on. Designers and developers always strive to make the best web products to give you an awesome user experience. But how far are they successful? Are their experiments worth the effort? It is usability testing that will evaluate and give the answers to these questions.

The following infographics will help you to understand User behavior - How they behave with technology and UI Interaction.

Note: Click on image for Large view.

1. 30 User Experience Statistics You Should Not Ignore


2. Why Do You Need A Remote User Testing


3. User Centred Design
4. User Experience Of Airline Sites
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