UX Feedback – Sixth Step of UX Strategy From Start To Launch A Product
UI UX Design / 24-July-2015 / minute read

UX Feedback – Sixth Step of UX Strategy From Start To Launch A Product

UX Feedback is one of the key elements in your UX process. UX feedback article is explaining about app speed, errors and user behavior and actions.


6. UX Feedback

In my previous articles, I explained the UX first step – UX Research, UX second step – UX Plan, 3rd Explore UX , 4th UX Communication and 5th step Create UX. In this article, I discussed how and when to provide UX feedback to your designer about Application speed and response – If your users have to wait a lot for the page to load, at least show them a loader, if it’s still taking longer try something more entertaining and creative. Feedback about Errors – Do a detailed error testing and Be clear where the user’s error is. Feedback about Final AGive quick/clear feedback on successful user’s actions. Let’s read in detail below:-

All these steps are part of the UX process and I categorized these steps into 9 steps, I hope you will enjoy this sixth step. Join our newsletter and we will keep you updated with next steps.

6.1 Waiting Times: Make Your Applications Faster


User experience cannot be dictated. It is purely subjective and the user might face certain unexpected events which can lead to frustration and even fewer retention rates. Speed is a major factor contributing to the user experience and also responsible for lead conversions. It is important to monitor the load times through server responses and optimization of payloads. In order to make your app feel faster, here are some tips that will help-

On The Spot Feedback

Users should feel acknowledged for their actions and that is what instant feedback provides. Your interface should be designed in such a manner that it responds instantaneously to the user’s activity and give the impression that his efforts are being considered. A good trick is to use animation just like Google so as to assure that the things are being loaded even when in reality that is not the case. It gives a sign of control as well. A site should feel faster not only in mathematical terms but in actuality that is in the experience too.

The Background Functions

Try to have the tasks performing in the background, even if the users are not paying heed to it. This can be effectively done through a progress bar on the screen that tells about the completion of the actions even before they are actually completed.

Dummy Content

Blame it on the slow connection or the loading rates, but the users tend to get annoyed if they have to wait for a long time for some action. And, of course, this can result in a surge in bounce rates as they are not interested in looking at the loading bars or the timers or the spinning wheels for that matter. So, in order to keep the audience preoccupied, make sure to use dummy content instead of the text and images so that the expected layouts can be blocked. Dummy content creates an impression of faster working in the user’s mind.

UX designers need not run after creating miracles. It is basically the art of misdirecting and camouflaging that they need to master so as to keep the users engaged and give them the provision of experiencing some of the finest designs.

6.2 Errors: How To Handle The Flaws Tactfully


Design involves learning from errors. But these errors can be avoided if we follow a proper optimization process and also learn the effective handling of error messages. Errors can be kept to a minimum if the principles of efficient design are followed diligently right from the start. Often errors happen if the designer makes the wrong estimate and cannot execute his idea of the system apply. There are three ways to help the users find their way in a system-

Understand The Users To Provide Them a Smooth Flow

Designers can never predict where the application is exactly heading to. Planning for every use case is practically not possible, rather the right approach will be to have a main or common use case that serves the purpose of a large section of users and optimize it for design. Understanding the users their needs, backgrounds, and objectives help to go a long way in optimizing the system. Stating the main case also helps to set the ground for the app interaction by the users. Try to be up to the point as much as possible and limit the secondary features. Just get the users in line with the application so as to make the most of the main use case.

Safety Nets For Unexpected Lots

The users might want to avail of the service in a way that might not have been thought of. So, in order to meet the unexpected demands, the app should be designed in a manner that it can even meet the typical requirements for the service. This can be achieved by building safety nets. Even the users who do not want to be related to the main case can take advantage of this system. Give them a net to catch and if suitable categorize it into a use case that is beneficial for them. Use competent metrics to know the user’s behavior and identify the places that need to be packed up.

Let Errors Not Be Typical Errors

Even the system has followed an optimization process, directing to the main case, still, the users will face errors. Make sure to extend support through responses. Let the users not perceive errors as failures rather more like cues for adjustment. Error messages should not be avoided by the designers and be given due importance while designing, content or developing. Get the error messages in your favor. They should be clearly noticed and must come along all the actions prone to errors.

The usability is totally governed by the designer’s job. The understanding of the user base, analysis of the actions and methods adopted for recovering from errors correspond to the usability of the system. Error handling should be kept at the priority by the designers and also must be implemented for all the functionalities in relation to the use case. This way, even failing can be graceful!

6.3 Completed Actions: Get The Efforts Going


Providing services on smartphones does take a toll on expectations. People want quick results on mobile in comparison to their laptops, but the major hindrance is a network which makes the connection slower. It is difficult to strive in such a situation as it affects performance. But one needs to stay positive and take the challenge head-on.

Though mobile networks are slower, a lot can be done to project speed and make the apps appear faster. Like in the gesture-based interface, small changes can give an impression that something is happening. So, the increase in the idea that something is happening along with the actual actions together can go a long way in creating swift mobile experiences. It is actually creating an illusion or false image that an action is occurring, whereas in reality that is not the case. This is basically known as an optimistic action performance where the user is kept in the loop of a continuing action. The practice involves keeping the delays at bay and not stating it upfront to the user so as to keep an optimistic view of their performance. It also keeps the bounce rates at the minimum as the users are held optimistically in their perception, which in any case is better than the reality.

In this article I discussed about UX Feedback important part of UX. I’m writing following UX steps & you can also read previous steps i wrote already, so stay tuned and join our newsletter for more updates.

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