15 Ways To Make Your Website More Usable
Design / 16-June-2015 / minute read

15 Ways To Make Your Website More Usable

Usability - Want to make a website that is an instant consumer hit? Well, make it is usable. That means the design should be more user-driven.


Want to make a website that is an instant consumer hit? Well, make it is usable. That means the design should be all the more user-driven. You can say, sort of a navigable exploration for the user that is worth his time. This will improve the quality of user interaction and provide the best user experience, in other words, a high-grade UX. In fact, the web design and architecture of the website can only be effective if it can stand the test of usability. Being user-centric rules over accessibility and can be viewed as an excellent bait for the purpose of marketing. Having said that, scoring high in the user-friendly zone is certainly a big challenge for web designers and developers as they have to strike out various creative options and devise a product that comes across handy. After all, with usability taking the upper hand, creativity can afford to take a back seat.

To make your website more usable, here is what you need to do...

1. Make it to the Point

A website that hits the right note is like a perfect piece for the user. They are often on the lookout of websites that provide info as per their requirements. A website that sticks to the idea and is on the nose is generally considered most suitable by the users. Circling around the subject rather than focusing on the center or the main theme can deter the interest from the product. So, frame such kind of content that stands relative to the purpose, whilst taking in all the SEO words.

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2. Make it Responsive

With so many devices setting the pace in the web world, optimized websites have become the need of the hour in order to make the most of the multi-device experiences. The websites should be compatible with a view in all the mediums like smartphones and tablets so that the users can fully enjoy their online presence. Now Google also supports mobile compatible websites and giving a good rank on the search engine.

3. Let it be Simple

The simpler, the better. The website should have less interpretation and more understanding. That’s the reason it is best to keep it simple. Follow the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) rule. Do not add complex matter which makes it difficult for the user to operate it in the first place, else, an exit will follow entry.

4. Navigate Clearly

A website should have a regular design with proper navigation tools so that it is easy to operate. The users will find it appealing only if they can follow the layout and get the flow of direction. It should come across as clean in its design and clear in its navigation.

5. Get the User Point of View

For any website to be user-centric, you need to get to know what the user wants. Work on the aspects that are an instant favorite amongst the user and influence them a lot. Understanding user behavior can help to build a website that is feature-rich yet user-friendly. There are various tools available that can determine the action or the trend of usage.

6. The Usual Approach

When it comes to usability, it is better to follow the conventional style. No need to experiment or play with various add-on features here and there. The users are more comfortable with the age-long usual methods and trust the websites with such patterns. For instance, the main navigation is tabbed on the top and leads the page, the users are in the ease with such setup and would like to see the same on other websites as well.

7. Go With Priority

The content of the website needs to be prioritized so as to ensure the user’s readability. Only the significant details must capture the view and should be highlighted. Mark the areas that require attention and use techniques that will immediately bring such elements to the notice of the audience.

8. Get those Colors Right

A website that is usable must score high on visual appeal. Use such a combination of text and colors that the two enhance the value of each other and create a good effect. The text should be readable and clearly visible. Specialized tools like Adobe Color can be used to get that perfect palette.

9. Keep the User Information Limited

Websites containing sign up forms loaded with information are a big no-no. The users are not very keen to share their personal information like address and phone numbers and thus can avoid such sites. Just a simple email id would do the needful.

10. Use Typography Smartly

Websites that enable comfortable reading stand high in preference. Use a font that is clear and legible so that the eyes follow a fixed direction with the text and can easily grasp whatever is written. Difficulty in reading can lead to withdrawal from the website. Avoid the usage of random popups.

11. The Crisp Touch

The user browses the search engine with the intent to get quick fixes to his problem. Make the websites that are direct and crisp in their content and do not confuse in return. Let the info be as clear as possible.

12. Get It Right Away

Let the content be accessed straightway by the users. If there are other steps or links that lead to the information and make the user work for it, forget the retaining factor. The users will hit the back button if the accessibility is poor.

13. Look Says it All

It is important to give a systematic look to your content so that it is easily read by the users. Be careful to insert paragraphs, headings and bullet points in the subheading categories to make it more time worthy. Users tend to skip lengthy articles and generally skim and scan the major points that are highlighted and bulleted properly.

14. The White That Works

Let the page breathe. Do not clutter the website with design or content. White space has been an absolute favorite amongst the users and gives the website a neat and more compact look. Make sure that the pixels ditch the color or text.

15. The Test Run

To determine website usability it is necessary to run it through various tests like A/B testing. Check the reactions and feedback of the visitors and see if they find it useful. There are various tools to assist you in this task which can help you judge the efficiency of the website amongst the wide audience.

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