8 Smart UX Writing Tips To Increase Your Website Conversions
UX Community / 03-June-2019 / minute read

8 Smart UX Writing Tips To Increase Your Website Conversions

UX experience brings your clients the bottom line impact. What does UX stand for here? UX is a combination of processes such as integration, design, functionality, usability, and branding which create a meaningful and relevant user experience.


Just a decade ago, every single business owner was concerned about their sales advertisements in newspapers and magazines, on display cases or billboards. Word of mouth marketing was the single trustful way to spread a word about the products and services one provides.

As the Internet started to develop, all advertising and marketing costs were aimed at creating and supporting the official website in addition to social pages with the intention to speak loudly about a business beyond the existing boundaries.

The competition is extremely high nowadays, as nothing can hold one back from making business viral if they know what metrics to keep an eye on and how to increase them to succeed. The one which is directly connected with the website is COR (Conversion Rate Optimization). It is a crucial sign to grow business, lower marketing, and customer acquisition costs and increase the outreach.

Conversion rate metrics vary from the type of businesses. It can be connected with purchases, visitors, views, leads, downloads, etc. Excellent UX experience brings your clients the bottom line impact. What does UX stand for here? UX is a combination of processes such as integration, design, functionality, usability, and branding which create a meaningful and relevant User Experience. If you implement UX design tools and engage UX writers to bring their knowledge and skills to the development table of your web page, it means that you already stand out from an average business.

It will not take you more than two hours of tedious work to create a simple website even if you do not have any advanced tech skills for that. You can create a website design in dozens of decent platforms, such as Tilda or Weblium, and fill it with good content. If putting words in a nice web sales pitch seems a disaster for you, there is still a way out. Just send web spiders on a search with a simple request “ write my essay online”, and while you are going to be engaged in another process, a professional writer will create coherent and convertible text for your web page.

In case a simple landing page is not just enough and you need to scale up your own business, you have to create a top-notch UX to increase all relevant metrics along with conversion itself. The same applies to the situations when you have been hired to an awesome development and designers team. Content is one of the pillars for an outstanding User Experience. As Bill Gates once mentioned, “Content is king” and words are our keys to mutual understanding and successful communication. That is the combination of visual and contextual techniques that make people become your ambassadors.

Professional UX writers are in high demand on the labor market in this fast-changing digital world. It seems from the first sight that it is easy to order custom essay and post it on the website to communicate your message. But the point is that various combinations of the words deliver different sense to the audience. And it takes time to put them together to make it sound clear, concise and useful. Below you will find creative writing tips to get into the flow, increase your website conversions and create the top-notch UX.

1. Set important things first

When your customer will reach your website, they will definitely have a clear purpose for it, such as release their pain points. They need an immediate decision or a clear answer to their question. The website is not a novel. What’s more, according to recent researches, an average user’s attention span is no more than 8 seconds.

Provide the most important information in the first sentences. If you intend to hold your client more than 8 seconds, then label what you are going to tell about in the first lines. Determine your objective and deliver it clearly and dynamically. When copywriters torture their minds to naturally advertise some good, UX writers have way more freedom here to call their user to act and follow them.

2. Make it all about “You”

If you want to establish contact with your prospect, attract their attention with appealing “you”. It immediately engages your customer in your brand story and makes him/her a hero. When the spotlight is directed at “you”, customers feel the importance and personal treatment. One word will increase your website conversion immensely. Try to run the A/B test and sort it out yourself. If you still hesitate about extensive usage of “your” and “you” on your website, just check website or emails of the most famous and convertible brands.


3. Stick to the point

Brevity is the soul of wit. The main characteristic of the UX written content is conciseness and clarity. Practice delivering your message in as fewer words as possible and do not use compelling words. These are not supposed to be useless words, every single part brings some sense to the table of the main message. Avoid second thinking and using metaphors and comparisons.

The bottom line is about the product or service of this business and not the additional lines. Leave this job to copywriters and creative minds who naturally introduce things to the public. Your job is to be a guide who shows a clear way. Define specific vocabulary which you will use to call specific actions and processes your customer will have to go through with your product.

Words that convert the most have to be spread all over the website and naturally call your user to action. Synonyms are good for copywriting and not for UX writing. Your message is supposed to bring value to an average user despite profession and social status, even age. Knowing who is your targeted audience can also help you to define the vocabulary you have to use to engage them.

Everybody knows about this “no” thing. The human brain does not interpret this message. You will never build long-lasting relationships with your users talking different languages. Be positive in your expressions and constructions, and avoid redundancy. You may not want to show your respect and gratitude that your customers visited your webpage. But if there will be too much of that, they will not want to stay any longer than 8 seconds. Courtesy is good for customer support, but UX content is about a clear and simple voice of your product.

4. Stay away from complicated sentence structures

As guidelines should be simple and clear, your UX content has to be readable as well. Firstly, users do not read UX texts, they scan it usually keeping attention mostly at the first and last paragraphs. Secondly, long paragraphs and sentences call frustration visually and force clients to shut your website down leaving you without any conversion.

Before posting your UX content piece, read it out loud multiple times. Then, catch someone who is not connected with your product and ask them to rate your work based on its quality. And the final, but a highly recommended advice, is to check the text using Hemingway Editor.

5. Follow logical chains

Coherent structure leads to a clear picture and eliminates confusion. The last thing you want from your customer is to feel stupid of confused after reaching your website or application. Synonyms and usage of wordy sentences along with metaphorical constructions lead to a mess and misunderstanding and thus decrease conversions. Work with mindmaps or step-by-step instructions to develop this technique.

Recall the last application which you downloaded recently, remember how it all starts with tips and intro instructions. Keep in mind that not all people skip them, and even if they do, later they will experience some difficulty and go to your website to check or contact your support center to figure things out.

Guide your user with clear and specific instruction with specific verbs to call them to action. People cannot read thoughts, and even though it is clear for you, it will not be for your customer unless you tell them. Describe everything starting from the need and finishing with the value and benefits.

6. Clear your language from slang and jargon

UX writing is supposed to be clear and simple. Slang is good for media posting and newsfeeds but not for guidelines and website content. Jargon is that part which is better to use in colloquial communication. There are two milestones here, the user may probably not know the meaning or think of a rude treatment toward him/herself. People are different with their mindsets. Keep the language neutral and relevant to talk about your product and service.

7. Use simple grammar

Grammar is an inevitable part of any message, but for UX writer it is the first priority. Present tenses, active voice, and imperatives are pillars of consistent and readable content. Let’s take a look at some examples:
Wrong: When you are ready to work with us, lots of features will be offered to you.
Right: We offer additional features to our constant clients.

8. Play with graphics, screenshots, and charts

Sometimes it is either impossible to say something in words or it takes too long to explain. People perceive information with their eyes and visualize it to get their head around some information. You have probably done it yourself or have seen someone drawing or sketching on the paper the content they just read. Charts and screenshots with highlighted points save time and help to build a coherent picture of the features of your product or instructions. Graphics are really good to visualize how the life of your customer will improve or change after engagement with your business.


To sum up, all the mentioned above smart tips are good for UX writing. UX content helps people interact with digital products and guide themselves through unknown features to improve their everyday life. The main responsibility for writers is to build a communication bridge between users and developers. UX is also part of UI (User Interface) and consists of titles, buttons, instructions, descriptions, pop-ups and error messages, terms and conditions, compliances, warranties and delivers.

Easy reading for your user is hard and it takes long hours writing for you as a writer. The language has to be simple but still represent your brand and make it stand out from others in the digital market industry. UX content creation is a part of website design. Even if your product is unique or you have outstanding features, discounts, offers, and promotions to attract clients, or if you have invested thousands on advertising, the user will never know about you unless you tell this directly and clearly.

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