Category : UX Community

UX community is widely discussed across the industry and is a great way to expand your readers and establish yourself as well, you get to read great content from different UI/UX bloggers. Think360 studio believes in great content & we publish a lot of content from our UX Community bloggers to expand our readers and provide great information.

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UI Trends to look for in 2020

UI Trends to look for in 2020

By: Prince Pal | 18-Apr-2019

Each year, new trends make their way onto the design scene. Some of which are old trends that have been developed, but others are brand spanking new. The design industry is constantly evolving, so how you explore the latest trends and collaborate with the

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6 Data Backup Trends to look out for in 2019

6 Data Backup Trends to look out for in 2019

By: Prince Pal | 18-Apr-2019

Every fresh year comes with its own sets of challenges. Well, these challenges do not always present themselves in the naked flame. Take technology, for example, it changes and becomes better every day. Developers, programmers and other tech-savvy guys wo

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