By: Prince Pal | 22-Dec-2022
Zeplin is a collaborative tool for front-end developers and UI/UX designers, enabling easy handing over of developed designs.
UIUX 360 is talking about the UIUX terminologies. Every startup and enterprise company owner should be aware of these terminologies. In this UIUX glossary, we have put together various topics and terms required for digital product design and development. Appreciate our efforts by sharing this UI/UX Wikipedia.
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Book A DemoBy: Prince Pal | 22-Dec-2022
Zeplin is a collaborative tool for front-end developers and UI/UX designers, enabling easy handing over of developed designs.
By: Prince Pal | 22-Dec-2022
The Zeigarnik effect is the tendency for tasks that are interrupted and incomplete to be remembered better than tasks that are completed.
By: Prince Pal | 22-Dec-2022
Z-Layout is a great way to start any web design project because it addresses the core requirements for any effective site: branding, hierarchy, structure, and calls to action.
By: Prince Pal | 22-Dec-2022
The Yerkes–Dodson law is a model of the relationship between stress and job performance. It proposes that you reach your peak level of performance with intermediate levels of stress or excitement.
By: Prince Pal | 22-Dec-2022
The X-height is an important factor in readability because, at any given font size, it determines how large or small the typeface actually appears.
By: Prince Pal | 22-Dec-2022
WYSIWYG is short for "What You See Is What You Get". WYSIWYG (pronounced wiz-ee-wig) is a type of editing software that allows users to view and edit
By: Prince Pal | 22-Dec-2022
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international organization for the World Wide Web.
By: Prince Pal | 22-Dec-2022
A wireframe is a simple visual guide that represents the skeletal structure of a website or digital product.
By: Prince Pal | 22-Dec-2022
The term comes from the word "wiki wiki", which means ‘quick or fast’ in the Hawaiian language. A wiki is a server program that allows users to collaborate in creating the content of a Web site.
By: Prince Pal | 22-Dec-2022
Widgets are simple, easy-to-use software applications for one or more platforms. Working as independent applications, widgets can be easily embedded into the environment of websites.
By: Prince Pal | 22-Dec-2022
In a web design, ‘white space’ refers to the space around the design elements. White space or negative space is neither white nor negative; it's simply the space in a design and it can have any color, texture, or pattern.
By: Prince Pal | 22-Dec-2022
A website (OR a web site) is a collection of web pages and related content that is identified by a common domain name and published on at least one web server.