Direct User Data
UIUX 360 / 16-September-2022 / minute read

Direct User Data

User data is collected through direct, face-to-face interaction with end users. Direct methods include direct interviews, surveys, focus groups, and usability roundtables.


What is Direct User Data?


User data is collected through direct, face-to-face interaction with end users. Direct methods include direct interviews, surveys, focus groups, and usability roundtables.

User data is typically local data that individuals need to perform their specific tasks. This data is to be kept in the file systems that are specifically created for user data. A direct data source is one from which data can be collected without going to a third party. This gives us data that is often referred to as 'original source data'. The most common direct method of demographic data collection is Census.

Data can be obtained directly or indirectly.

Direct methods of data collection include collecting new data for a specific study. This type of Direct user data is known as primary data.

Indirect methods of data collection include sourcing and accessing existing data that was not originally collected for the purpose of the study. Indirect user data is known as secondary data.

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