Presentation Design
UIUX 360 / 07-October-2022 / minute read

Presentation Design

A term given to a set of design areas that focus on the presentation of information, as opposed to its information value. Presentation elements are layout, color management, graphics, and typography. Presentation design differentiates these disciplines fo


What is Presentation Design?


A term given to a set of design areas that focus on the presentation of information, as opposed to its information value. Presentation elements are layout, color management, graphics, and typography. Presentation design differentiates these disciplines for evaluation and development.

Presentation design can be referred to as UX and UI design. Both elements are vital to a product and work together. But their roles are quite different, where UX design is a more analytical and technical field, and UI design is closer to what we call graphic design.

Presentation design supports your design decisions with data - qualitative or quantitative.

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