Switch or Toggle
UIUX 360 / 19-December-2022 / minute read

Switch or Toggle

A toggle button allows the user to change the setting between the two states. Another type of toggle button called a switch provides a slider control, which you can use to a Switch object.


What is Switch or Toggle?


A toggle button allows the user to change the setting between the two states. Another type of toggle button called a switch provides a slider control, which you can use to a Switch object.

A toggle button refers to a control used for switching (or toggling) between two or more states or options. A toggle or switch is a digital on/off switch. Toggle switches are best used to change the state of system functionalities and preferences. Toggles can replace two radio buttons or checkboxes to allow users to choose between two opposing states.

Toggle buttons are a suitable solution for switching between conflicting (even multiple) options. It is made up of two or more buttons next to each other. The selected button needs to be highlighted to indicate the toggle state.

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