Disabled (Button / Control)
UIUX 360 / 16-September-2022 / minute read

Disabled (Button / Control)

A disabled button refers to a button or control that is unavailable or grayed out or not currently in use for the user to use but may be available if certain conditions are met. Such as filling out all fields required to submit an application form.

What is Disabled (Button / Control)?


A disabled button refers to a button or control that is unavailable or grayed out or not currently in use for the user to use but may be available if certain conditions are met. Such as filling out all fields required to submit an application form.

The disabled attribute/button is a boolean attribute. It specifies that the other button options are disabled. A disabled button is unusable and un-clickable. The disabled attribute can be set to prevent the user from clicking a button until some other condition is met (such as selecting a checkbox, etc.).

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