UIUX 360 / 19-September-2022 / minute read


Dribbble is a fully remote company and go-to platform for discovering and connecting with designers and other creative talents from all around the world.


What is Dribbble?


Dribbble is a fully remote company and go-to platform for discovering and connecting with designers and other creative talents from all around the world. It helps many of the world's best design-focused companies, get exposure for their design teams and to help them hire expert designers.

Dribbble is self-promotion and online networking platform for digital designers. It serves as a design portfolio platform, jobs & recruiting site, and is one of the largest platforms for designers to share their work online. The company is a distributed company with no headquarters, and all employees are remote workers.

Dribbble is entirely focused on creating features and tools that take designers and their works to the next level with some of the best design-forward companies like Apple, Slack, and InVision, to help designers advance their careers and find work they love.

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