Error Analysis
UIUX 360 / 19-September-2022 / minute read

Error Analysis

A component of task analysis attempts to identify the frequency and type of errors that may occur for a specified set of workflows.


What is Error Analysis?


A component of task analysis attempts to identify the frequency and type of errors that may occur for a specified set of workflows. May include errors of omission, errors of commission, sequence errors, or timing errors.

Error analysis is a method that is used to observe and document the errors that appear in usability testing. It determines whether those errors are systematic, and explain what caused them, if possible.

The following steps are followed for error analysis:

  • task analysis
  • Use error scenario generation
  • Prioritizing scenarios based on occurrence probability and severity of impact
  • Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
  • mitigation assessment
  • Verification that mining does not introduce new usage errors.
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