Iterative Testing
UIUX 360 / 21-September-2022 / minute read

Iterative Testing

Iterative testing is the way in which a product is tested on users and changed repeatedly at different stages of design based on test feedback and results. This type of testing helps to eliminate usability issues before launching a product.


What is Iterative Testing?


Iterative testing is the way in which a product is tested on users and changed repeatedly at different stages of design based on test feedback and results. This type of testing helps to eliminate usability issues before launching a product.

Iterative testing refers to making small, or gradual changes and updates to a product based on insights from past changes (test results and user feedback) and testing them against predefined baseline metrics. This is usually practiced in a UI/UX context but can be used in the context of product management.

A successful UX designer always starts iterative testing with users in the early stages of the design process. It is a cheap and easy way to collect feedback on the usefulness of your product.

This enables the designer to quickly identify any problems that can be fixed before moving on to the next step in their design. Iterative testing helps reduce backtracking to create an efficient, streamlined design process.

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