Liquid Layout
UIUX 360 / 23-September-2022 / minute read

Liquid Layout

Liquid Layout is an interface design technique in which the horizontal layout of content changes based on how the user adjusts their application or browser window.


What is Liquid Layout?


Liquid Layout is an interface design technique in which the horizontal layout of content changes based on how the user adjusts their application or browser window.

Liquid Layout is a general term that includes a set of specific Liquid page rules: scale, re-center, guide-based, and object-based page rules. Use Liquid Pages rules to optimize content for output sizes. We can customize the layout when creating new pages in the same document by using alternate layouts.

The liquid layout is a general term that encompasses a set of specific Liquid page rules: scale, re-center, guide-based, and object-based page rules.

Liquid layouts make it easy to design content for multiple page sizes, orientations, or devices. When you create alternate layouts and change the size, aspect ratio, and orientation, apply fluid page rules to determine how objects on the page adapt.

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