Gutter space
UIUX 360 / 19-September-2022 / minute read

Gutter space

Gutters are vertical strips between columns in grids that are used to prevent elements from bumping into each other. Gutter spaces are the padding between columns in a design, used to responsively space and align all content in the Bootstrap grid system.


What is Gutter space?


Gutters are vertical strips between columns in grids that are used to prevent elements from bumping into each other. Gutter spaces are the padding between columns in a design, used to responsively space and align all content in the Bootstrap grid system.

A gutter is a space between columns that help separate content and elements from different columns. Gutter spaces/widths are fixed values at each breakpoint range but gutter widths can change at different breakpoints to better adapt to given screen size. Wider gutters are more appropriate for larger screens, as they create more open space between columns and smaller gutters space are appropriate for smaller screens like mobile phones.

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