Legibility in design
UIUX 360 / 23-September-2022 / minute read

Legibility in design

Legibility refers to how easily letters can be distinguished from each other in typesetting or font. Readability is a responsibility shared by both the copywriter or the content author and the designer.


What is Legibility in design?


Legibility refers to how easily letters can be distinguished from each other in typesetting or font. Readability is a responsibility shared by both the copywriter or the content author and the designer. This is usually only up to the designer and developer in digital content when creating legible text.

Legibility is the ease of reading with which a reader can decode symbols. The readability of a typeface is a product of its design and is related to its ability to distinguish one glyph from another when reading.

Legibility is closely related to readability, but there is a distinct difference. While readability is the overall ease with which a reader can understand the meaning of a text, legibility describes the characteristics of a text that enable the reader to identify and differentiate between individual characters and words.

Factors that contribute to the readability of a typeface include- X-height, character width, weight, design features, stroke contrast, counter, and lack of serif 'or'.

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