Scrum Master and Scrum Artifacts
UIUX 360 / 06-December-2022 / 6 minute read

Scrum Master and Scrum Artifacts

Scrum is a framework in product designing that is used for developing and maintaining complex products. Scrum Masters utilize their unique skill set to do a lot of critical work that helps the Scrum Team.


What is Scrum Master and Scrum Artifacts?


Scrum is a framework in product designing that is used for developing and maintaining complex products. Scrum Masters utilize their unique skill set to do a lot of critical work that helps the Scrum Team.

Scrum is an agile framework for developing complex projects, which are often software. The agile project management methodology uses short development cycles, called sprints, that result in continuous improvement of a product or service. There are many agile frameworks, and Scrum is a popular choice for fast-moving projects.

The methodology is highly collaborative and requires efficient processes, and process outcomes depend on the Scrum Master's expertise. Agile methodologies may have started in tech companies, but scrum master jobs can be found all over the world in all types of industries and for all types of companies.

Agile Scrum artifacts are information that a Scrum team and stakeholders use to describe the product being developed, the tasks to build it, and the work done during the project. Three types of Agile Scrum artifacts are the Sprint Backlog, Product Backlog, and Increments.

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