Heuristic Evaluation/Review
UIUX 360 / 19-September-2022 / minute read

Heuristic Evaluation/Review

Heuristic Evaluation is a usability inspection method for computer software and digital products that helps to identify usability problems in the user interface design. It provides quick and relatively inexpensive feedback to UIUX designers.


What is Heuristic Evaluation/Review?


Heuristic Evaluation is a usability inspection method for computer software and digital products that helps to identify usability problems in the user interface design. It provides quick and relatively inexpensive feedback to UIUX designers.

Heuristic Evaluation/Review is also known as an expert review. It’s a systematic inspection of UI design, conducted against a set of usability heuristics to identify usability problems and estimates to prioritize. Heuristic reviews are quick and capture most of the problems users are facing.

Heuristic evaluation gives you insight into the overall experience of your product, and where it falls short. It is a way to validate whether a website is user-friendly or not. In other words, it tests the usability of the site. Unlike usability testing, where the prototype is evaluated by users, in a heuristic evaluation the site is evaluated by usability experts.

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