Floating Action Button
UIUX 360 / 19-September-2022 / minute read

Floating Action Button

A Floating Action Button or FAB is a circular icon/button; that triggers the primary action in an app's UI.


What is Floating Action Button?


A Floating Action Button or FAB is a circular icon/button; that triggers the primary action in an app's UI. This FAB UI element is quite simple and easy to implement, ideally, this feature represents the core function of your digital product.

Floating Action Button (FAB) is a UI design element that sits on top of a screen design, often in the bottom-right-hand corner, and doesn’t move when the user scrolls. It is a very common UI control for Android apps. A circular icon appears above the UI, it's a tool that allows users to call out key parts of your app.

FAB was introduced in 2014 with the release of Google's Material Design Principles. Since this release, the FAB element has been widely adopted in web and mobile UX designing.

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