Dot Voting
UIUX 360 / 19-September-2022 / minute read

Dot Voting

Dot voting (also called dotmocracy, sticker voting, or multi-voting) is a method of group voting used to identify a team's priorities from a list of choices.


What is Dot Voting?


Dot voting (also called dotmocracy, sticker voting, or multi-voting) is a method of group voting used to identify a team's priorities from a list of choices. It is a quick and easy decision-making process to narrow down the options, prioritize the ideas, and explore the most popular options.

A simple voting exercise to identify the collective preferences of a group. Dot voting is a simple tool that is used to make decisions or democratically prioritize items in a group setting. It's an easy, simple, and straightforward way to narrow down the options and turn them into a set of concepts or ideas. This is especially helpful for large groups of stakeholders and groups at high risk of disagreement.

Definition: In dot voting, each person in a group is given a number of tokens ("dots") that can be assigned to each option that is part of a set of options.

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