Explicit Save
UIUX 360 / 19-September-2022 / minute read

Explicit Save

Explicit Save is a data-saving feature that requires the user to state that the data needs to be stored in the memory. Explicitly saved forms can be saved by clicking a submit button while focusing on an input.


What is Explicit Save?


Explicit Save is a data-saving feature that requires the user to state that the data needs to be stored in the memory. Explicitly saved forms can be saved by clicking a submit button while focusing on an input.

An explicit save provides an explicit result guided by a specific, precise user action, such as clicking the Save button. Because the action is initiated with explicit user intent, explicit writes to a persistent store such as a database or file can overwrite any previous explicit saves.

Because the action is initiated with clear user intent, explicit save writes to a persistent store such as a database or file that can overwrite any previous explicit saves.

An explicit save usually works across the page: all user data displayed on the page is saved together in a persistent store (barring any runtime exceptions). It is very important to use clear, consistent, and clear UI labels on the explicit save button.

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