Quality Assurance
UIUX 360 / 29-November-2022 / minute read

Quality Assurance

QA OR Quality assurance is a systematic process of determining if a product or service meets specified requirements.


What is Quality Assurance?


QA OR Quality assurance is a systematic process of determining if a product or service meets specified requirements. It is a way to prevent mistakes in products and avoid problems while providing services to users.

Quality assurance establishes and maintains requirements for the development or manufacture of reliable products. A quality assurance system is meant to improve work processes and efficiency, while increasing customer confidence and company credibility, and it enables a company to compete better with others.

In the world of manufacturing, QA's role is to help identify and reduce defects in products. In software development, quality assurance and testers work with product teams to test edge cases. In short, their job is to intentionally find breaking points in products so users don't have to.

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