Standards Design
UIUX 360 / 19-December-2022 / minute read

Standards Design

A design standard is an essential design requirement for any project. These standards are not advisory, they must be followed - like building code, fire code, or electrical code requirements.


What is Standards Design?


A design standard is an essential design requirement for any project. These standards are not advisory, they must be followed - like building code, fire code, or electrical code requirements. The design review process cannot waive compliance with these standards.

For the web, user experience includes design, accessibility, usability, navigation, information, elements, content, and SEO and development. Each of these individually and collectively can contribute to a positive or negative experience for the user.

Design standards for composite components generally fall under two approaches, either performance-based or design acceptable. Performance-based standards rely on testing to demonstrate performance while design-acceptable approaches use conservative default values for overall strength (or failure stress).

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