Service Design
UIUX 360 / 07-December-2022 / minute read

Service Design

Service design is the activity of planning and organizing people, infrastructure, communications, and material components to improve the quality of service, and interaction between a service provider and its users.

What is Service Design?


Service design is the activity of planning and organizing people, infrastructure, communications, and material components to improve the quality of service, and interaction between a service provider and its users.

Service design is a process where designers create optimal solutions and experiences for both customers in unique contexts. Designers break services into sections and adapt finely-tuned solutions to suit all users’ needs in context - based on actors, location, and other factors. Service design can serve as a way to inform changes to an existing service or to create an entirely new service.

Service design makes the service easier to use and more desirable to the service users. Whether building an entirely new service or improving an existing one, service design focuses on what customers really need at each stage of their interaction with an organization.

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