Un-Moderated Usability Testing
UIUX 360 / 21-December-2022 / minute read

Un-Moderated Usability Testing

Un-Moderated Usability Testing is one of the three testing methods and tools for testing a website’s functionality.


What is Un-Moderated Usability Testing?


Un-Moderated Usability Testing is one of the three testing methods and tools for testing a website’s functionality. The primary difference between moderated and unmoderated tests is that with moderated tests you (or a moderator) will need to be present to guide contributors through the tasks. With Un-Moderated Usability Testing, you don't need to be present, and contributors are in their natural environment.

Usability testing is the process of test design with users to gather information about the user's experience – how difficult or easy it is to use a product. Because user experience is subjective and intangible, it relies on observing how users interact with a product as a way of learning about their experience.

Unmoderated usability testing is done with the help of online usability testing tools. Unmoderated usability testing is cheaper, faster, and more accessible than moderated or personal research, which makes it popular.

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