UIUX 360 / 19-September-2022 / minute read


The term full-stack refers to the entire computer system, accounting for both the front and back end of the system or computer application.


What is Full-Stack Designer?


The term full-stack refers to the entire computer system, accounting for both the front and back end of the system or computer application. A full-stack designer is a designer involved in every step of the user experience design process, from research to implementation. The designer must be familiar with the "many hats" job description.

Full Stack Designer = UI Design + UX Design + Product Design + Business Design

A full-stack designer is a designer who has the skills and knowledge to handle all the "stack" or layers of the product design and development process.

Full-stack designers are multi-skilled individuals who can use user experience, design patterns, techniques, and tools to accomplish product development. They can analyze and optimize their own "skill tree" according to the situation. They should clearly know the structure of the product, the progress of the design, and the development process.

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