UIUX 360 / 07-December-2022 / minute read


A sitemap is a file where we provide information about a site's pages, videos, and other files and the relationships between them.


What is Sitemap?


A sitemap is a file where we provide information about a site's pages, videos, and other files and the relationships between them. Google OR other search engines read this file to crawl the website more efficiently.

A sitemap is a blueprint of the website which helps search engines to find, crawl and index all the content of your website. Sitemaps also tell search engines which pages of your site are most important.

A sitemap helps Google to understand which pages and files you think are important to your site. The Sitemap protocol consists of an XML file that includes your website's URL and three other optional pieces of information for each page: how often the URL is updated when the URL was last updated, and the priority of the URL relative to other pages on the website.

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