Ethical Design
UIUX 360 / 19-September-2022 / minute read

Ethical Design

Ethical Design is creating great products in line with your ethics, beliefs, and business principles.


What is Ethical Design?


Ethical Design is creating great products in line with your ethics, beliefs, and business principles. Whatever you create, a website, marketing campaign, or a product, makes a great impact on real people and those influences can create ripples.

Ethical design is the process of ‘designing for good’ keeping in mind the user’s wellbeing. The UX design has a huge impact on how people behave and live their lives. As designers, we are trained to solve problems and improve people's lives, but rarely do we consider what is really 'better'. It is important to understand that what we design is not neutral since any design is an inherently ethical activity. Ethical design basically means making conscious design decisions that do good and don't harm anyone - either intentionally or unintentionally.

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