UIUX 360 / 07-October-2022 / minute read


Psychographics are the psychological and cognitive qualities of the consumer that reveal their values, beliefs, and goals.


What is Psychographics?


Psychographics are the psychological and cognitive qualities of the consumer that reveal their values, beliefs, and goals. In marketing, psychology is used to understand and market the buying habits of consumers with demographics.

Psychology is the study of consumers on the basis of their activities, interests, and thoughts (AIO). Psychographics seeks to understand the cognitive factors that drive user behavior.

Psychological studies of individuals or communities can be valuable in the fields of marketing, demography, opinion research, forecasting, and social research in general. Psychological characteristics are contrasted with demographic variables (age and gender), behavioral variables (like purchase data or usage rates), and organizational descriptors (firmographic variables), such as industry, workforce, and functional area.

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