Footer Links
UIUX 360 / 19-September-2022 / minute read

Footer Links

Part of global navigation, footer links are essential for SEO as they are linked to many ranking factors. Pages linked at the bottom of the web provide access to general information such as copyright, contact, security, and privacy policy information.


What is Footer Links?


Part of global navigation, footer links are essential for SEO as they are linked to many ranking factors. Pages linked at the bottom of the web provide access to general information such as copyright, contact, security, and privacy policy information.

Footer links are considered site-wide links, or by any other name, boilerplate links. These types of links are links that appear on almost every page of a website. These types of links are usually header links, footer links, or links that appear on the sides of a website (floating widgets, and so forth).

The purpose of footer links is to increase the number of links to another page, which can positively affect keyword rankings. Footer links can be divided into two parts as below:

Internal Links – Links from your website to other pages on your site External Links – Links to another website that link to your site

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