UIUX 360 / 19-September-2022 / minute read


The set of characters of a type that all belong to a genre is called Font. Style elements for Font include x-height, proportional versus monospaced, and serif versus sans serif. The point size is not a style element of a font.


What is Font?


The set of characters of a type that all belong to a genre is called Font. Style elements for Font include x-height, proportional versus monospaced, and serif versus sans serif. The point size is not a style element of a font.

The term font refers to a set of printable or displayable typography or text characters in a specific style and size. Font styles are used in both digital and print media. While typographic font styles have custom spacing and design, once determined, this style will apply to lowercase and uppercase letters as well as punctuation marks.

There are an infinite number of fonts available for use today and many fonts that are free to use. Fonts are elements that are used by many designers based on their frequent use by other designers.

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