Invision Studio
UIUX 360 / 21-September-2022 / minute read

Invision Studio

Invision Studio is a powerful tool all designers work with. It includes features and functions for drawing, wireframing, prototyping, and animating, that are used for both UI and UX designing.


What is Invision Studio?


Invision Studio is a powerful tool all designers work with. It includes features and functions for drawing, wireframing, prototyping, and animating, that are used for both UI and UX designing. Using InVision Studio, you can get frictionless rapid prototyping and advanced animation to help you unlock new dimensions of screen design.

InVision Studio is a 100% FREE-to-use application for UX designing. The studio works best when used with InVision, which is a connected, collaborative platform driving your product design process.

InVision Studio is a prototyping and animation tool that lets you create increasingly advanced, vector-based screen designs, thanks to flexible layers and an infinite canvas. It is considered one of the best high-fidelity prototyping tools out there. With InVision Studio, you can accelerate your workflow, create interesting, interactive prototypes, introduce your designs to the team and customers, test your designs, and ask questions before the development phase. , concerns and design changes can be addressed.

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