Small Field Tritanopia
UIUX 360 / 07-December-2022 / minute read

Small Field Tritanopia

Tritanopia is a condition where a person is unable to differentiate between the colors blue and yellow.


What is Small Field Tritanopia?


Tritanopia is a condition where a person is unable to differentiate between the colors blue and yellow.

Tritanopia is a condition where a person is unable to differentiate between the colors blue and yellow. Impaired blue and yellow vision is the main symptom associated with the condition. However, people with tritanopia have a normal red and green vision. The role of small-field tritanopia was assessed through the use of tests that allow scoring of both Tritan and non-Tritan errors.

If stimuli are made small enough, color-normal individuals report a reduction in color perception, this effect is known as small-field tritanopia. Small Field Tritanopia is particularly a reduction in the perception of green, both in the fovea and in the peripheral retina.

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